Anyway, I tried my best to be really nice to these people even though it was kind of embarrassing to be hanging around them and their clunky cameras. I even took a few pictures of their "gear" as they called it, Ha Ha, just to be nice. As you can see they really liked me and in one picture the boss even smiled and waved to me.
I could see that they were pretty jealous of my tiny "gear" when I pulled it out and also of the fact that I did not need a stand to use it. As you might imagine, I felt rather sorry for them and offered to loan them my super deluxe, Lumix Micro 4/3, fancy schmancy, subcompact, digital camera to do some of their serious work. I did forget to mention to them that I only knew how to use it on the "automatic" setting.
They looked at each other and then back at me and then at each other again. Then they started to laugh. I think they were too embarrassed to tell me that they didn't know how to use my "gear".
Anyway, I mingled in the crowd and cruised around all over Canibal Royale snapping photos of sexy, rich, young people without many clothes on for another 30 minutes or so before the manager came up and asked me if I wanted to buy something to drink or eat. I told him I'd love to but, I was "working' ". He looked at my "gear" and said "With that little thing?" and walked away. Whatever! I noticed he then walked over to one of the bouncers and said something to him and pointed at me. Probably to tell him not to bug me because I was "working".
It was a wonderful afternoon but my curfew starts at 6pm so I needed to get home, put my clothes in the dryer, start dinner and get ready to watch the latest episode of Glee with Princesa. It's not easy being me!
Hope you had a great weekend!